The daily oops moment
I took a day off to ski last Thursday, the boat project is going along nicely. So I drop into the boat yard Friday and to my amazement the boat has been painted the wrong color. Of course, no one was around at the moment, but my eyes kind of bugged out. First, it looked brown, and Micron 66 doesn’t come in brown, so I had the sinking feeling that it hadn’t been painted with the specified paint. Next, I was so dismayed because we’d specified blue and made sure it was in the work order and I’d gone to some lengths to make sure we had Micron 66, that was pretty important to me, the wrong color I could live with, but not the wrong paint.
As I was contemplating how good the bottom looked and the “oh dang” feeling, Victor, our paint guru walked up. He was happy and I couldn’t blame him, it was a lot of work, shoulder and back straining work. We stood and chatted about the bottom for a while and admired his great work. Then I broke the news, we’d specified blue. He showed me the empty can and it was indeed Micron 66 and it was black, not brown, my eyes were deceiving me (PHEW). So it wasn’t the end of the world, we had the right paint, just the wrong color.
But, the news got better. This was just the first coat and the second was still to go on, there was time to go with the specified color, and we had the benefit of getting this guide coat underneath that will tell us if the top layer has started to get thin. Silver lining! All is well.
So, checking in on today’s work… tadaaaa….

Behold! The color we asked for, second coat on! I didn’t take a picture of the black paint, I was just a bit too discouraged at that moment. But this, is super cool. It’s just how we wanted it.
And so, by midweek the bottom will be complete. We just have the one thru-hull to replace and make a quick setting change to the MaxProp and we’ll be done at the yard. Hoping to splash next week!

Guys like Victor make this work seem easy, but it’s far from that and the results are just awesome when professionals do it right.
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